Tattoo Removal Post Care

Before we get into aftercare lets celebrate…

YAAAAY! You’re one step closer to removing your unwanted ink. However, results vary and the best results depend on you, and whether you read, understand and actually do everything on this list. Questions? Give us a call!

But before we get into your after-care instructions, here are a few things you can expect in terms of results. Laser tattoo removal is a gradual process and is unique for each and every tattoo depending on its location, depth, density and ink colors. We will educate you throughout your laser tattoo removal process on the predicted number of treatments your particular tattoo is expected to take to fade/remove.

Immediately After Your Treatment Until The Area Has FULLY Healed…


Elevate the treated area above your heart intermittently. Avoid physical activities like prolonged standing or walking. This is ESPECIALLY important if your tattoo is located below the elbow or knee.


Apply cool ice packs to the affected area, taking them on and off every three to five minutes for one to two hours. Don’t apply the ice pack for more than five minutes at a time, and don’t apply it directly to your skin (wrap it in a paper or cloth towel).


Moisturize the treated area with at least three times daily. Do not allow the skin to dry out.


These include harsh soaps, medicated washes, scrubs, peels, hydrogen peroxide, Vaseline, Aquaphor and Aloe Vera.

We recommend you applying only,

Neosporin®, Polysporin®, Bacitracin®, hydrocortisone 1%, or sunscreen as needed. We will also send you home with one of these products at the time of your appointment.


Avoid incidental or direct sun, tanning beds, spray-tans and self-tanners on your tattoo. When you are outside, protect your tattoo by applying sunblock (SPF 50+) and using barrier protection such as protective clothing or an adhesive bandage.


Avoid steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, pedicures and exercise/sweating, and avoid swimming.


Take short, cool or lukewarm showers and avoid scrubbing or shaving the treated area. When cleansing, use a non-foaming cleanser and gently pat dry with a clean towel.

What To Do If You Experience These Common Side Effects….

For Swelling & Blistering

Swelling and blistering can be minimized or prevented by resting, icing and elevating the tattoo immediately following your treatment. If your tattoo develops small blisters, do not pop, scratch, or peel them—they will be reabsorbed on their own in 7-10 days. Gently apply a thick layer ofNeosporin®, Polysporin®, Bacitracin® and lightly cover with a clean, breathable gauze pad three to four times a day until fully resolved. If your blister is large or uncomfortable, please contact us.

For Itching

Itching can occur during your laser tattoo removal process, even once the tattoo is healed. We recommend taking oral liquid Benadryl®, Allegra® or Clartin® (antihistamines available over-the-counter) as needed, as well as applying hydrocortisone 1%, and Neosporin®, Polysporin®, Bacitracin®, hydrocortisone 1% to the affected area up to three times per day until it resolves.

For Irritation

Several types of irritation can occur after each laser tattoo removal treatment. It is normal for your tattoo to have minimum to moderate redness, petechiae (tiny broken blood vessels under the skin), pinpoint bleeding or bruising. To promote healing, apply a thick layer of Neosporin®, Polysporin®, Bacitracin®and lightly cover with a clean, breathable gauze pad three to four times a day until fully resolved.

Make sure you avoid the following:
• Tight clothing that could rub against the tattoo
• Scratching or picking at the area
• All irritating products such as hydrogen peroxide, Aloe Vera, or numbing agents

Questions? Experiencing anything not covered here? Contact us ASAP. Also, don’t forget to book your next appointment in six to eight weeks.